7 Vegan Hiking Snacks for Energy

This post contains 7 different vegan hiking snacks. Including types of nuts, fruits, beans, vegan jerky and chocolate.

Whether you are an experienced hiker or just starting out, fueling your body with the right snacks can make a huge difference in your energy levels and performance on the trail.

As a vegan, finding snacks that are both nutritious and easy to pack can be a challenge. But fear not, we have compiled a list of delicious vegan hiking snacks that are perfect for fueling your next adventure.

Look no further than these vegan snacks that are perfect for an energy boost.

Whether you need a pick-me-up during a day hike, before a workout, or just to satisfy your cravings, these snacks will give you the nutrition and energy you need without any animal products.

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Plant-based Snack Bars

There are many vegan snack bars available on the market that provide a quick and convenient energy boost to keep you going.

Some popular brands include Clif Bar, Larabar, and KIND bars, which are made with wholesome ingredients like nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and oats.

These bars are also often fortified with vitamins and minerals to give you an extra boost. To learn more, check out this post about the best plant-based snack bars.

Vegan Hiking Snacks

Trail Mix or Seasoned Nuts

Trail mix is a classic snack that is perfect for a quick energy boost. You can easily make your own by combining nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and dark chocolate chips.

These ingredients are packed with healthy fats, fibre, and protein that can help stabilize your blood sugar and keep you feeling full for longer.

Vegan Hiking Snacks

Dried Fruit

Dried Fruit is full of fibre, iron, vitamin C and healthy sugars, all great stuff to keep you energized.

Dried cranberries, apricots, mangoes, cherries, blueberries, raisins, apple chips, and banana chips are all great choices for providing long-lasting energy throughout your day.

If you’re not into dried fruit so much, opt for fruit leather!

Vegan Hiking Snacks

High Fibre Fresh Fruit

Like dried fruit, fresh fruits have lots of fibre, healthy sugars, and vitamins for long-lasting energy.

Fruits like bananas, oranges, apples, peaches, and plums are easily consumed on the go and don’t require refrigeration.

Make sure to bring along a disposable plastic bag to carry all seeds and peels out with you on the trail.

Vegan Hiking Snacks

Roasted Chickpeas

Roasted chickpeas are a crunchy and satisfying snack that can be made in many different flavours.

Simply toss chickpeas with a little oil and seasoning of your choice, then roast them in the oven until crispy. These snacks are high in protein and fibre, making them perfect for an energy boost.

My favourite roasted chickpeas are flavoured with vegan ranch seasoning. Check out the recipe here.

Vegan Jerky

Vegan jerky is a tasty and convenient snack for hiking that is high in protein and easy to pack.

Some popular brands include Primal Strips, Louisville Vegan Jerky, and Noble Jerky, which are all made with plant-based protein sources like soy or seitan.

These jerky strips are also available in a variety of flavours to suit your taste preferences.


Nothing beats a piece of chocolate when you’re on the trail for a long hike and need a little push to get you through it.

Choose your favourite vegan chocolate and make sure it’s packed for every hike.

I like to include some chocolate-covered blueberries from Bulk Barn, free2b Sunbutter cups or Justin’s PB cups.

Vegan Hiking Snacks
Vegan Hiking Snacks

Fueling your body with the right snacks is essential for a successful and enjoyable hike. These vegan snacks are all easy to pack, delicious, and provide the sustained energy you need to tackle any trail.

These vegan snacks are just a few examples of the many plant-based options available, so always look out at your local grocery store for new snack options.

By choosing vegan snacks, you are also making a more sustainable choice that is better for your body and the planet.

So the next time you need a snack, try one of these delicious plant-powered options and see how they can help you feel more energized and focused.

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Check out the Plant-Based Eats sections for more ideas and information on Vegan snacks, recipes, and restaurants in BC and around the world!

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